Writing // Research

Reviews // Articles

Goon, J. (2023, March 12). The Horror Story behind Malaysian Film Censorship. Between The Lines. 

Goon, J. (2022). [Review of the book Alluring monsters: The pontianak and cinemas of decolonization, by R. Galt]. Monstrum.

Goon, J. (2022). [Review of the book Discourses, Agency and Identity in Malaysia: Critical Perspectives (Vol. 13), by Ibrahim, Z., Richards, G., & King, V. T. (Eds.)]. Situations.


I have worked on various research projects related to the medical and political landscape in Malaysia, with funding from organisations such as the U.S. Institute of Peace, USAID Malaysia Reform Initiative (MARI), and Internews. As some of these projects are sensitive in nature, for more information, please contact me for my resume at: chern.goon@monash.edu